Total Body Weight Loss Yoga – Beginners to Intermediate Yoga Workout

Hello everyone, and welcome to Psyche Truth. your entire body through this flow that so today we're going to be attacking i put together. weight throughout your entire body and It's going to really help you drop some you're going to build a lot of strength from a mountain posture here so make and mobility through that flow. So let's Go ahead and begin. We're going to start just a little bit as you tuck your stomach in, sure that your legs come directly down from your hips. Tuck your tailbone in lifting your heart, and then from here, So take a deep inhale here through your relax your shoulders down away from your ears, and close your eyes. Let's bring all of our attention to a breath. nose, gently exhaling through your mouth. yourself to really connect with this Really feel rooted into your mat, into the mother earth here. Exhale. Just taking a minute here to really come to this present moment, and allowing moment, with your breath in your body. bring your attention to your breath by Quieting your thoughts, letting go of any self-judgment, or any judgment in that case. Take a deep inhale. Anytime the mind , the thoughts want to wander off, really feeling your breath going all the energy going through your body. way deep into your belly, expanding your lungs, you expanding your ribcage, and gently exhale. Inhale deep, keeping your eyes closed go ahead and open your palms, facing the front of you. Getting that nice equal feeling your breath here, and exhale it Lets take three more deep breaths here- keeping your body nice and long. Inhale deep, one more time, exhale. Keeping your body nice and long, Inhale deep, one more time, and you're going to pause here for a second- all out. Good. Open your eyes here; beautiful. Rising both hands all the way up, and exhale down. legs a little bit more wider hip apart, We're going to do three times (this).

Inhale deep, exhale down. One more time, deep inhale, and then exhale, placing your right hand down as you move into that side half moon stretch. So nice long body here, so you can feel the activation of the side body here- and gently coming back to the center. And here open your gentle deep breath, and exhale down. and then rising your right hand up, and move into that half more stretch. Taking a nice gentle breath here. Exhale coming back to the center inhale both hands up, exhale forward fold. Dropping the head down relaxing your arms, your shoulders, everything down, and really feeling the upper body's weight here. Feeling your head here. Take a nice nice long spine here, let's hold it here. Inhale flat back here, I'm going to turn this way so you can see my posture in my flat back. I like to keep my knees 90 degrees bent here.

So I'm never lock in my knees here, So always gentle, always be careful, with your knees here. Take a nice deep breath, push your shoulders back as your heart is shooting towards the mother earth here- your thighs are really engaged in this So this one is really good because it's very activated on your lower back here, also your hamstrings, and your glutes. So that right there is getting- its forcing the body to use more energy here- and gently forward fold. Bend your knees, drop your hips down, and gently lift it into that chair posture. Here in a chair posture as you can see, in that chair, right here, as you're keeping posture; your glutes, your lower back, your midsection is engaged your arms are engaged. So, your entire body is being forced to be used here. So just hanging in here, really push yourself, get out of my comfort zone. If it feels comfortable for you to stay right here, stay right there. If you want to challenge yourself a little bit more, come a little bit deeper your heart is lifting shooting towards your heart lifted, your shoulders are relaxed. Taking one more deep breath, exhale, gently forward fold. From here, you're going to bring that right foot forward, and then your back foot- left leg, goes back, and then your toes at 45 degrees, as you lift into that warrior one posture. So in your warrior one, make sure your hips are nice and square in front of you, being forced to use your thighs here; and the ceiling, and your arms and shoulders are relaxed down. Let's take two deep breaths here. Exhale. One more time, deep inhale, exhale, beautiful. And then from here lets up into that warrior two. Now in your warrior two, back leg is 90 degrees, and then open those hips here. So you can stay right here if it feels comfortable, but try to keep that knee the front knee bent, so you're really So you still keep your front knee bent that's what's going to really help you get that heart rate going here; and it's going to really help strengthen those muscles; and it's working your inner thighs, glutes, your core is engaged arms engaged. So like I said this floor is definitely for your entire body attack. Taking a nice deep breath one more time, gently relax. Then reach forward, and gently reverse warrior here. as you lean back a little bit here, really powerful postures. They really and gently, warrior two, - and then warrior one. Coming back down to center, and come forward. Take a nice deep breath in a forward fold, keeping your knees bent, if you're back body's a little bit tight today listen to your body, be gentle with it. Beautiful. And then right leg back goes into that 45 degrees. Gently lifting your arms up, and again this is your warrior one. I love warrior ones because they are and fight through that discomfort a allow you to really get to know your strength, (to) get to know your body, getting to know your breath here; and it really forces you a little bit to get out of that comfort zone and really use your legs here. And gently, let's open into that warrior two here. Relax those arms down just like that. You can have your palms facing up or down whatever works the best for you; and really stay focused here, breathe, let go little bit. a second but before we do let's bend our You can do it! And then gently, you're going to reach forward, and then going to that reverse warrior again here. Take a nice, two deep breaths here; keeping that front knee bent, so you're always use your thighs and your glutes here. Those are your biggest muscles in your body. And coming back into that warrior two, and then warrior one, and gently coming back down into that downward facing dog here. We're going to move into that vinyasa in knees here, keeping your spine nice and long, relax your head down. coming back down. Whenever you're ready let's coming to that high plank here. We're going to hold it here for six seconds, so keep your core tight, nice strong arms, make sure those arms come directly down from your shoulders, so your body is always stacked on top of each other. Breathe. Almost there! - and gently bend your knees and place them down onto the mat and coming all the way down. Extend your toes take a deep breath, and lift them all the way up into that Cobra. Shoulders are relaxed, heart is lifted, and gently better experience and there's no one Again, inhale deep, up dog, and up dog is a lot of building strength in your core in your arms your shoulders. Everything is engaged, and gently coming all the way up into that downward facing dog. Gently look at your hands and start walking towards the front of your mat here, and gently forward fold. Remember guys, when you're taking this next 20 minutes for yourself, make sure that no one will interrupt you. Be in a place where you have that next 20 to 30 minutes to yourself, with no interruptions, so that way you have a yoga practice, and gently forward fold. stopping you from your flow. Gently inhale deep, flat back, exhale forward fold. Bending your knees drop your hips down, lifting it all the way up into your chair posture. Now in your chair posture sometimes we have a difficulty because our hip flexors that too tight and things like that so it forces us to go to far forward. Try to push your hips back so always make sure you can see those toes, so that way you have less chance of injuring your knees and things like that. So posture is also very important in Breathe, let go, and really try your best. And then reverse swan dive all the way up into mountain and - nice tall mountain - and then palms together bring it to the heart here. Beautiful, relaxing your arms down, and inhale rising both hands all the way up, and then exhale it's moving to that side half moon stretch, and coming back to center, both hands up, and go to the other side here. Coming back to Center palms together, bring it to your heart. All right, let's move on. Let's move into to that first warrior one, rising both hands all the way up, and hold right here. At least you know you did, and you tried Breathe- and warrior two, warrior one, and coming back down to center, downward facing dog. your best to you know follow through this flow, and that way when you are done you won't feel as bad as you did. You did something, you took the time to take care of yourself, and things like that. And, remember guys you can do this flow all day long but if you go home and you eat bad, you're gonna bring all the calories you just burned. You're going to bring them right back! So make sure you stay consistent with your eating habits as well as your practice- it's very important. A

right, let's move into that warrior two here again, and reaching forward, reverse. two. Again, in this warrior two, make sure And then come forward, from here, flat back, forward fold. Utkatasana, chair posture, forward fold. Reverse swan dive all the way up. Alright, right leg back, warrior one. Again, we're going to hold it here. Stay here as long as you can, as long as it feels right for you. If you want to do this flow a little bit longer, do so if you can. So pay attention to what your body is telling you, because it definitely whispers to our ears, we just have to take a little second and really hear ourselves up, and do something about it and give what it's asking us to give it to. Alright let's open up into the warrior degrees bent or maybe a little bit that it's a nice long line in between both of your legs, make sure you knee doesn't go past your toes, and things like that, so it's really important to keep that posture nice even here. Beautiful. Reach forward, and then reverse. Keep that front knee always bent. Coming back to warrior two again, and then warrior one, and gently coming back down, downward facing dog. Trying to place both of your feet all the way down to the ground so you can really feel that back body is really being pulled and stretched- your hamstrings, your lower back, and things like that. if you need to keep your knees 90 deeper or whatever works the best for here. Take one more time deep inhale you breathe here, let go, and just relax. Beautiful. Let's come into that high plank place, and that's hold it here for another six seconds. Breathe, feel the burn yeah, don't take yourself too seriously, you know have fun while you're at this point in your life, and again remember the fact that you are very- you're doing this flow and watching this video, you're already a step ahead of your game so be proud of yourself. And gently coming all the way down. We are almost done. Lifting into that cobra here feels really good. Relax your shoulders down, as your heart is being lifted up towards the ceiling, and gently moving to that child's pose through your nose, and then gently feel your heart, maybe take a second to exhaling through your mouth- letting it all go. So beautiful. Alright let's come back up. Keeping your eyes closed here, keeping that connection within you. We can go ahead and move into a seated posture- whatever that posture is for you that makes you feel comfortable here. I'm going to move into a lotus with my eyes closed, and I'm just really sensing my energy right now and seeing how I'm feeling, and I hope that you are doing the same. It's a really good way to get to know yourself, and really get to know your energy, and really feeling your own heart beat, feeling your own breath. And just take a second here to just relax, feel your energy, that this flow is actually effective- give yourself thanks for doing something amazing for your body, your mind, and your soul here. Raising both hands all the way up, palms together, and bring it to the center of our hearts. 

Take one more deep inhale, and gently exhale, letting go of things that no longer serve you, and focusing on things that you can control and you want to improve and see the difference in your life. The time has come. I wish you all the best in this journey. Put a little smile on your face here, and gently open your eyes. (Giggling) That feels so good, and so zenned, and relaxed, and my body is definitely a little bit pumped, and it feels really good because that means even though it's a slow pace, but it is effective because it's a static hold that forces muscle to be like really activated and the body is like "whoa what are you doing to me?" But it likes it, like I said. The body is used to being used, and it's made to be used so you know do the best you can to really use it and give it what it needs. Again eat healthy ,take care of your body, be consistent with these flows. Make sure to favor this mixstarpedia Thank you guys so much for the bottom of my heart, and Namaste 

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